Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events


Stockade is a part of the Christian Service Brigade ministry for boys in 3rd – 6th grades. Stockade meets on Friday nights at 7:00pm at Hope Alliance Church. More information can be found at https://csbministries.org/

Sunday Service

Our Sunday service starts at 9:30am every Sunday and is streamed live on YouTube. After the service we have coffee fellowship until Sunday School starts at 11am.


AYF will be meeting every Sunday from 6:30 – 8:00 starting on November 7th. All teens in grades 7-12 are welcome to attend.


AWANA ministry is for boys and girls from Pre-K through 2nd grade. Also, for girls from 3rd-6th grade. We meet during Wednesday nights during the school year. For more information please visit the AWANA ministry page.