Stockade is a part of the Christian Service Brigade ministry for boys in 3rd – 6th grades. Stockade meets on Friday nights at 7:00pm at Hope Alliance Church. More information can be found at
Sunday Service
Our Sunday service starts at 9:30am every Sunday and is streamed live on YouTube. After the service we have coffee fellowship until Sunday School starts at 11am.
Coffee Fellowship
After the service ends we have coffee fellowship
Sunday School
AYF will be meeting every Sunday from 6:30 – 8:00 starting on November 7th. All teens in grades 7-12 are welcome to attend.
Elders Meeting
AWANA ministry is for boys and girls from Pre-K through 2nd grade. Also, for girls from 3rd-6th grade. We meet during Wednesday nights during the school year. For more information please visit the AWANA ministry page.