


AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed Awana will start Wednesday September 11 at 6pm.This ministry is for boys and girls from Pre-K through 2nd grade. Also, for girls from 3rd-6th grade. Please join us on Wednesday nights from 6:00pm-7:30pm during the school year. A typical meeting includes game time, handbook time, and Bible time. Check out the national…

Christian Service Brigade

Christian Service Brigade is starting back up on Friday September 13th This ministry is for boys in 3rd – 12th grades. The Stockade ministry serves boys in the 3rd-6th grades. The Battalion ministry serves boys in the 7th-12th grades. CSB meets on Friday nights at 7:00pm at Hope Alliance Church. CSB provides weekly programs that enable men to mentor and disciple groups of…

Alliance Youth Fellowship

Alliance Youth Fellowship is for teens in grades 7-12. AYF meets at the church every Sunday at 6:30pm. For more information please call (315)732-1349 or email the church (

Alliance Women

Alliance Women – Living the Word, Doing the Work and Reaching the Lost Alliance Women play a supportive role for our International Workers (IW’s). All Women attending any Alliance Church are vital members of Alliance Women. Your prayers and financial support are a vital part of fulfilling the Great Commission! Women to Women’s Sunday school every Sunday…

Men’s Ministry

This ministry for all men in Hope Alliance Church. Men’s Breakfast meets on the first Saturday of every month.

Young At Heart

Young at Heart is a program for seniors age 55 and older. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month April through December. We have a potluck luncheon and a short program. Once in a while we go on a trip.


Griefshare is a 12-week grief recovery group. Receive comfort, answers, and hope in a loving, accepting environment. Guided by those who understand the deep pain and challenges of grief. Built upon biblical principles and Jesus Christ as the foundation for healing. Fall session: August 1st – November 30th. Thursday evenings 6:30 – 8:30 pm at Hope Alliance…


VSB 2024 will be from July 14-18 from 5:45-8:00 and the theme will be “Camp Firelight”. Keep checking here for more updates. Register your child below: